Interroll: Revolutionizing Logistics for a Sustainable Digital Era
Interroll, a global leader in material handling solutions, is shaping the future of logistics with a steadfast commitment to quality, speed, and simplicity, paving the way for a su…
Interroll, a global leader in material handling solutions, is shaping the future of logistics with a steadfast commitment to quality, speed, and simplicity, paving the way for a su…
Fraud in automobile-type approvals applications is sending ripples through the industry. The incident, which began at Daihatsu Motor has spread to five domestic passenger car manuf…
From “ISID” rebrands to “DENTSU SOKEN,” driving towards the future with superior innovation and service, committed to being a trusted "solution partner" for Thai customers and soci…
Japan’s manufacturing scene is in flux, with quality becoming a "management problem." "Industrial morality" is deemed essential for top management. Recent quality fraud issues at J…
In the ever-changing world of manufacturing, Japan's 2023 White Paper on Monodzukuri emphasizes the vital role of digitalization in maintaining competitiveness.
Encoders, touch probes and a tool breakage detector from HEIDENHAIN open up expanded possibilities for maximum performance, process reliability and cost efficiency.
With the rise of electric vehicles, aluminum serves as an advanced material that enables the automotive sector to move forward while lowering carbon dioxide emissions.
After a four-decade journey, "Thaisakol Group," the company that has been behind the technology of "cutting," a fundamental process is entering "manufacturing transformation" and l…
Mr. Thongpol Oulapathon, Executive Director of Sumipol Corporation and Director of SIMTec, shared his vision for the company’s new era as an agile technology company.
Epson’s launch of the “T-B series” SCARA robot, the highlight of METALEX March 2022, signals being primed for Thailand’s new gameplan towards high-potential industries.
Sodick released Fineplas interview on metal 3D printing and automation, the challenging new technology that is ahead of the times, to support more sophisticated in-vehicle parts
Sodick released an interview: Tanaka Foresight Inc. insisting on manufacturing in Japan, and offering suggestions for simple eyeglass frames with a presence all their own.
Medical engineering has strong growth prospects due to the sector being much less dependent on economic cycles, even if they are not expected to reach the volume of the automotive …
Thai Fukoku, manufacturer of anti-vibration parts for motor vehicles, air conditioners, and building elevators. Mr. Kazuhiko Kobayashi, the Managing Director has shared some ideas…