2018 Annual Sales Forecast of 21 Japanese Machine Tools Companies
Disclosure of the sales forecast of 21 machine tools companies for the fiscal year 2018 indicates the part shortage may affect the revenue growth while the market uncertainty canno…
Disclosure of the sales forecast of 21 machine tools companies for the fiscal year 2018 indicates the part shortage may affect the revenue growth while the market uncertainty canno…
Toyota has considered transferring electronic part manufacturing such as PCU for EV to Denso to reduce business complication as well as to support more collaboration.
Electronic parts manufacturers have turned to invest in other businesses after the smartphones market began to decelerate. However, their future is yet to be forecasted.
While Toyota is fighting so hard with costs of parts, its affiliated companies are looking forward to 2025 to cope with labour shortage in the future.
JMBTA revealed order volume of Machine Tools for the fiscal year 2018 had hit 2007’s record high and was expected to completed at around 1.75 trillion yen while the order volume in…
Fukuzaan Co., Ltd. is one of the leading international machine tools importer. All machines we select are world-class brands that are famous and reliable. Our selling machines base…